
Lifemate Care+ 維他命營養啫喱 | 犬貓專用保健零食

🐱🐶 泰國首創,升級配方,全新包裝! | New Packaging, Better Quality!

Lifemate Care+ 維他命營養啫喱,專為犬貓設計,提供全面健康支持。首創添加最強抗氧化成分 蝦青素 (Astaxanthin) & 番茄紅素 (Lycopene) A&L 配方,適用於 所有配方,其抗氧化能力比以下成分更強:
Lifemate Care+ Vitamin Lickable Treats for Dogs and Cats provide comprehensive health support. The first brand in Thailand to add the most powerful antioxidants, Astaxanthin & Lycopene (A&L Formula) to every formula, offering stronger antioxidant benefits than:

維生素C | Vitamin C 6,000 倍 | 6,000 times
輔酶Q10 | CoQ10 770 倍 | 770 times
維生素E | Vitamin E 100 倍 | 100 times

📌 五種專業配方可選擇 | Five Formulas to Choose From

🔵 免疫力提升 & 壓力舒緩配方 | Immunity Boost & Stress Relief

L-賴氨酸 (L-Lysine) 250 mg – 促進免疫系統,對抗病毒 | Enhances immune system, fights viruses
β-葡聚醣 (Beta Glucan) – 刺激白血球功能,提高免疫力 | Stimulates white blood cells, boosts immunity
L-色氨酸 (L-Tryptophan) – 幫助穩定情緒,減少壓力 | Promotes relaxation, reduces stress
A&L 抗氧化配方 – 強化免疫防禦,減少自由基傷害 | Enhances immunity, reduces oxidative damage

📌 研究支持 | Scientific References:
1️⃣ L-賴氨酸對於貓皰疹病毒的作用 (Maggs et al., 2003) | Efficacy of oral supplementation with L-Lysine in cats latently infected with feline herpesvirus
2️⃣ β-葡聚醣的免疫調節與臨床應用 (Laffet et al., 2020) | Beta-Glucan Metabolic and Immunomodulatory Properties and Potential for Clinical Application
3️⃣ 減壓營養策略:犬貓研究 (Zhang et al., 2023) | Dietary Strategies for Relieving Stress in Pet Dogs and Cats

🟢 肝臟保護配方 | Liver Support #泰國首創

奶薊草 (Milk Thistle), 氯化膽鹼 (Choline Chloride) & 多種維生素 (Multi-Vitamin) – 保護肝臟健康,支持肝細胞修復 | Supports liver health, promotes cell repair
A&L 抗氧化配方 – 減少自由基對肝臟的傷害 | Reduces oxidative damage to the liver

🔴 造血與循環健康配方 | Blood Nourishment & Circulation

葉酸 (Folic Acid) 100 mcg – 幫助紅血球生成,提高血氧攜帶能力 | Supports red blood cell production, enhances oxygen transport
螯合鐵 (Iron Chelate) – 促進紅血球內血紅素生成,提高血液循環 | Helps form hemoglobin in red blood cells, supports circulation
A&L 抗氧化配方 – 增強細胞健康,抗氧化 | Strengthens cellular health, antioxidant protection

🟡 泌尿道健康配方 | Urinary Tract Care

檸檬酸鉀 (Potassium Citrate) – 調節膀胱鹼性,減少尿結石風險 | Increases bladder alkalinity, reduces stone formation risk
DL-蛋胺酸 (DL-Methionine) – 增加膀胱酸度,抑制細菌生長,預防尿路感染 | Increases bladder acidity, inhibits bacterial growth, prevents infections
蔓越莓 (Cranberry) – 幫助防止細菌附著在膀胱與尿道壁 | Prevents bacterial adhesion in the bladder and urethra
A&L 抗氧化配方 – 增強免疫力,預防泌尿道疾病 | Boosts immunity, prevents urinary tract illnesses

🟠 腎臟保健配方 | Kidney Health Support

低蛋白 (Low Protein) – 減少腎臟負擔,適合腎功能較弱的貓狗 | Reduces kidney workload, suitable for pets with kidney concerns
低鈉 (Low Sodium) – 幫助維持血壓穩定,保護腎臟 | Maintains blood pressure stability, protects kidneys
高脂肪 (High Fat) – 提供足夠能量,防止體重過低 | Provides sufficient energy, prevents underweight issues
碳酸鈣 (Calcium Carbonate) – 減少血液中磷含量,保護腎功能 | Reduces phosphorus levels in the blood, supports kidney function
魚油 (Fish Oil) 800 mg – 促進抗發炎反應,維護關節健康 | Helps reduce inflammation, supports joint health
A&L 抗氧化配方 – 增強細胞修復能力,延緩衰老 | Supports cell repair, slows aging process

📌 ⚠️ 此產品不具預防或治療疾病的功效 | This product does not prevent or cure diseases.

📢 立即選購,讓您的毛孩擁有更健康的生活! | Order now and give your pet a healthier life! 🛒