
Lifemate Care+ Treat | 維他命保健零食 (貓犬適用) 🐱🐶

美味與健康並重,全面營養支持! | A Tasty & Nutritious Treat for Your Pet!

Lifemate Care+ 維他命零食專為貓狗設計,兼具美味與健康。內含強效抗氧化成分 蝦青素 (Astaxanthin) & 番茄紅素 (Lycopene) A&L 配方,提供優質營養,增強免疫力與細胞健康。
Lifemate Care+ Treat is specially formulated for cats and dogs, offering a delicious yet nutritious snack. Enriched with Astaxanthin & Lycopene (A&L Formula), it provides high-quality nutrition, boosts immunity, and promotes cell health.

主要營養成分 | Key Nutrients

維生素C | Vitamin C 6,000 ppm – 提供強效抗氧化保護 | Provides powerful antioxidant protection
輔酶Q10 | CoQ10 770 μg – 維持細胞能量代謝 | Supports cellular energy production
維生素E | Vitamin E 100 IU – 保護細胞免受氧化損害 | Protects cells from oxidative damage

🏆 配方優勢 | Specialized Formulas

🐾 增強免疫 & 抗病毒 | Immune Boost & Anti-Virus

L-賴氨酸 (L-Lysine) 250 mg – 幫助抵禦貓皰疹病毒,減少壓力引起的免疫下降
β-葡聚醣 (Beta Glucan) – 促進免疫反應,增強抗病能力
L-色氨酸 (L-Tryptophan) – 舒緩壓力與焦慮,促進穩定情緒
A&L 高效抗氧化配方 – 減少自由基損害,維持健康細胞
L-Lysine (250 mg) – Helps combat feline herpes virus and supports immune response
Beta Glucan – Enhances immune response and strengthens disease resistance
L-Tryptophan – Reduces stress and anxiety, promoting emotional stability
A&L Antioxidant Formula – Minimizes free radical damage for better cell health

📌 研究支持 | Scientific Studies:

  1. L-賴氨酸對於潛伏性貓皰疹病毒的口服補充效果(Maggs et al., 2003)
  2. β-葡聚醣的代謝與免疫調節特性(Laffet et al., 2020)
  3. 針對貓狗壓力緩解的營養策略(Zhang et al., 2023)
  4. Efficacy of oral supplementation with L-Lysine in cats latently infected with feline herpesvirus (Maggs et al., 2003)
  5. Beta-Glucan Metabolic and Immunomodulatory Properties (Laffet et al., 2020)
  6. Dietary Strategies for Relieving Stress in Pet Dogs and Cats (Zhang et al., 2023)

🐾 皮膚 & 被毛健康 | Skin & Coat Health

奶薊草 (Milk Thistle) & 氯化膽鹼 (Choline Chloride) & 多種維生素 (Multi-Vitamin) – 促進皮膚健康,保護肝臟功能
A&L 抗氧化配方 – 減少自由基對皮膚的損害
Milk Thistle, Choline Chloride & Multi-Vitamin – Supports skin health and liver function
A&L Antioxidant Formula – Reduces oxidative stress on the skin

🐾 補血造血 & 能量增強 | Blood & Energy Boost

葉酸 (Folic Acid) 100 mcg – 促進紅血球生成,提高攜氧能力
鐵 (Iron Chelate) – 幫助貓狗補鐵,提升體能與健康
Folic Acid (100 mcg) – Supports red blood cell production and oxygen transport
Iron Chelate – Enhances iron absorption for better energy levels

🐾 泌尿道 & 腎臟保健 | Urinary & Kidney Health

檸檬酸鉀 (Potassium Citrate) – 幫助維持正常尿液pH值,減少結石風險
DL-蛋胺酸 (DL-Methionine) – 保護腎臟,維持尿液酸鹼平衡,防止尿結石生成
Potassium Citrate – Helps maintain normal urine pH and prevents urinary stones
DL-Methionine – Supports kidney health and prevents urine crystal formation

🐾 心血管 & 代謝健康 | Heart & Metabolism

蔓越莓 (Cranberry) – 保護泌尿道健康,降低感染風險
A&L 抗氧化配方 – 減少氧化壓力,促進心血管健康
Cranberry Extract – Supports urinary health and reduces infection risk
A&L Antioxidant Formula – Reduces oxidative stress for a healthier heart

🐾 體重管理 & 骨骼健康 | Weight & Bone Support

低蛋白 (Low Protein), 低鈉 (Low Sodium), 高纖維 (High Fiber) – 控制體重,預防肥胖
碳酸鈣 (Calcium Carbonate) – 支持骨骼與牙齒健康,減少骨質流失
魚油 (Fish Oil) 800mg – 富含Omega-3,促進關節靈活與光澤毛髮
Low Protein, Low Sodium, High Fiber – Helps with weight management and prevents obesity
Calcium Carbonate – Strengthens bones and teeth, reduces calcium loss
Fish Oil (800 mg) – Rich in Omega-3, promotes joint flexibility and a shiny coat

📌 產品適用對象 | Suitable for

🐱 所有年齡段貓咪 & 犬種適用 | Suitable for cats and dogs of all ages
🌿 不含人工防腐劑 & 人工色素 | Free from artificial preservatives & colors

🔹 每日建議餵食量 | Recommended Daily Intake:
✔ 小型犬/貓 (1-5 kg): 2-4 粒/天 | Small Dogs/Cats (1-5 kg): 2-4 pieces/day
✔ 中型犬 (5-10 kg): 4-6 粒/天 | Medium Dogs (5-10 kg): 4-6 pieces/day
✔ 大型犬 (10 kg+): 6-8 粒/天 | Large Dogs (10 kg+): 6-8 pieces/day

📌 保存方式 | Storage:
Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Seal after opening.

📢 立即選購,讓您的毛孩擁有更健康的生活! | Order now and give your pet a healthier life! 🛒