我的購物車{{item.promotion_name}}{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.total_price_with_addon)}} {{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.price * item.qty)}}{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.net_price * item.qty)}} {{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.price * item.qty)}}{{item.name}} ({{item.variant_name}})數量: {{ item.qty }}小計:{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(cart['subtotal']) }}你的購物車沒有貨品。
{{ !isSelectedAllOptions ? " " : ("SKU: " + selected_product["sku"]) }}
重量: {{selected_product['weight']}}公斤
✨ 產品特點 | ✨ Features
✔ 含優質雞肉,提供豐富蛋白質 | Premium chicken for high-quality protein
✔ Omega-3 & 6,促進皮膚及毛髮健康 | Omega-3 & 6 for skin & coat health
✔ 牛磺酸添加,幫助維持視力與心臟功能 | Taurine added for eye & heart health
✔ 富含維生素與礦物質,增強免疫系統 | Complete vitamins & minerals to support immunity
✔ 益生菌與酵素,促進腸胃消化健康 | Probiotics & enzymes for digestive health
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{{ group.group_hints }}
🐱 KIT CAT 經典 32 配方 (添加牛磺酸) - 雞肉風味 | 🐱 KIT CAT CLASSIC 32 (TAURINE ADDED) - CHICKEN CUISINE
✅ 超級優質貓糧 | Premium Quality Cat Food
🐔 高蛋白雞肉,提供強健能量 | High-Protein Chicken for Energy & Strength
💖 牛磺酸添加,促進心臟與視力健康 | Added Taurine for Heart & Eye Health
✨ 產品特點 | ✨ Features
✔ 含優質雞肉,提供豐富蛋白質 | Premium chicken for high-quality protein
✔ Omega-3 & 6,促進皮膚及毛髮健康 | Omega-3 & 6 for skin & coat health
✔ 牛磺酸添加,幫助維持視力與心臟功能 | Taurine added for eye & heart health
✔ 富含維生素與礦物質,增強免疫系統 | Complete vitamins & minerals to support immunity
✔ 益生菌與酵素,促進腸胃消化健康 | Probiotics & enzymes for digestive health
🥄 主要成分 | 🥄 Key Ingredients
🐔 優質雞肉 | Premium Chicken
💊 完整維生素與礦物質 | Complete Vitamins & Minerals
🦴 鈣質平衡配方,幫助骨骼健康 | Balanced Calcium for Strong Bones
🌱 天然纖維,有助毛球控制 | Natural Fiber for Hairball Control
🍃 Yucca 萃取物,幫助減少糞便異味 | Yucca Extract for Digestive Health
📊 9 大營養優勢 | 📊 9 Key Benefits
⭐ 膽鹼氯化物 | Choline Chloride - 有助於神經與腦部發展 | Supports nerve and brain function
⭐ 毛球控制 | Hairball Control - 幫助減少毛球問題 | Reduces hairball formation
⭐ 添加牛磺酸 | Taurine Added - 保護視力與心臟健康 | Supports eye and heart health
⭐ YUCCA 萃取物 | Yucca Schidigera Extract - 幫助減少糞便異味 | Helps reduce stool odor
⭐ 完整維生素與礦物質 | Completed Vitamins & Minerals - 增強免疫力並減少壓力 | Enhances immunity & reduces stress
⭐ 牙垢控制 | Tartar Control - 幫助清潔牙齒並減少牙垢 | Reduces tartar buildup
⭐ 奧米加3&6 | Omega-3 & Omega-6 - 促進皮膚與毛髮健康 | Supports healthy skin & coat
⭐ 添加消化酵素 | Enzymes Added - 促進消化健康並防止腸胃問題 | Aids digestion & prevents gut issues
⭐ 鈣質平衡 | Balance of Calcium - 幫助骨骼健康成長 | Promotes optimal bone development
📦 包裝規格 | 📦 Available Sizes
📌 1.2 公斤 & 5 公斤 | 1.2 kg & 5 kg