我的購物車{{item.promotion_name}}{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.total_price_with_addon)}} {{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.price * item.qty)}}{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.net_price * item.qty)}} {{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.price * item.qty)}}{{item.name}} ({{item.variant_name}})數量: {{ item.qty }}小計:{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(cart['subtotal']) }}你的購物車沒有貨品。
Bok Bok - 木天蓼
{{ !isSelectedAllOptions ? " " : ("SKU: " + selected_product["sku"]) }}
重量: {{selected_product['weight']}}公斤
{{ isSelectedAllOptions ? presentmentCurrencyProductPriceRangeFormat(selected_product, 'original_price') : presentmentCurrencyProductPriceRangeFormat(product, 'original_price') }}
{{ isSelectedAllOptions ? presentmentCurrencyProductPriceRangeFormat(selected_product, 'price') : presentmentCurrencyProductPriceRangeFormat(product, 'price') }}
🔹 產品特點 | Product Features
✔ 提升貓咪興奮度與樂趣 | Stimulates excitement and play
✔ 幫助貓咪放鬆,減少壓力與焦慮 | Helps relax and reduce stress
{{ group.name }}
{{ group.group_hints }}
🌿 木天蓼 (Matatabi)
🔹 產品特點 | Product Features
✔ 提升貓咪興奮度與樂趣 | Stimulates excitement and play
✔ 幫助貓咪放鬆,減少壓力與焦慮 | Helps relax and reduce stress
🔸 產品成分 | Ingredients
✅ 100% 純天然木天蓼枝 | 100% natural Matatabi sticks
🐱 適用對象: 適用於3個月以上的貓咪 | Suitable for cats 3 months and older
🔸 使用方法 | Usage Instructions
✔ 適合作為貓咪的磨牙棒,可啃咬、玩耍
✔ 幫助貓咪減壓,放鬆心情
✔ 可安全食用,無毒無害
✔ Ideal for cats to chew and play with
✔ Helps relieve stress and anxiety
✔ Safe for consumption, non-toxic
🐾 天然玩具,讓您的貓咪玩得更開心! 😺