我的購物車{{item.promotion_name}}{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.total_price_with_addon)}} {{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.price * item.qty)}}{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.net_price * item.qty)}} {{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.price * item.qty)}}{{item.name}} ({{item.variant_name}})數量: {{ item.qty }}小計:{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(cart['subtotal']) }}你的購物車沒有貨品。
{{ !isSelectedAllOptions ? " " : ("SKU: " + selected_product["sku"]) }}
重量: {{selected_product['weight']}}公斤
🔹 產品特點 | Product Features
✔ 適用於狗狗和貓咪 | Safe for both dogs and cats
✔ 可隨時清潔,方便使用 | Convenient and easy to use anytime
✔ 安全溫和,適合清潔臉部和眼部周圍 | Gentle and safe for cleaning around the eyes and face
{{ group.name }}
{{ group.group_hints }}
🐾 寵物眼部清潔濕巾 (Pet Eye Cleaning Wipes)
📦 包裝 (Package): 3 袋,每袋 10 片 (3 packs, 10 wipes per pack)
🔹 產品特點 | Product Features
✔ 適用於狗狗和貓咪 | Safe for both dogs and cats
✔ 可隨時清潔,方便使用 | Convenient and easy to use anytime
✔ 安全溫和,適合清潔臉部和眼部周圍 | Gentle and safe for cleaning around the eyes and face
🔸 產品規格 | Product Specifications
📏 尺寸 (Size): 14 x 15 cm
🔸 產品功效 | Product Benefits
✔ 不含刺激成分,減少淚痕 | Free from irritants, helps reduce tear stains
✔ 滋潤眼周肌膚,保持水潤 | Moisturizes the skin around the eyes
✔ 柔軟材質,溫和不傷肌膚 | Soft and gentle on sensitive skin
🔸 使用方法 | Usage Instructions
✔ 用於清潔貓狗的臉部及眼部周圍 | Use to clean the face and eye area
✔ 可每日使用,保持眼部衛生 | Suitable for daily use to maintain eye hygiene
🐾 寵物護理必備,讓您的毛孩擁有清潔舒適的眼睛!