
🐔 Product Details

😿 Cats with kidney disease or high kidney values 👉 should consume ChooChoo Concentrated Chicken Broth – Kidney Care Formula‼️

⚡️ When kidney values rise, 😾 cats feel discomfort and eat less 😦. As a result, their bodies receive insufficient amino peptide protein, forcing them to use muscle protein for energy. This leads to weight loss, weakness, and a weakened immune system 😱.

💥 New! ChooChoo Concentrated Chicken Broth 🌟 contains cranberry extract to support kidney health.
💪 It includes amino peptide protein, which does not burden the kidneys as it is pre-digested.
💕 Low sodium and phosphorus content ensures safety for kidney-compromised cats.

👩‍🔬 Frequently Asked Questions 📌

1️⃣ Can healthy cats consume this product?

✔️ Yes! Healthy cats can consume half to one can per day as a daily supplement ❤️.

2️⃣ Can cats with kidney disease eat this product?

✔️ Yes! Follow these recommendations for cats with kidney issues 😽:

1️⃣ Recommended serving size: 1/3 of a can (20ml) per day, providing 2.4-2.6g of protein. Since kidney disease requires controlled protein intake, adjust according to the main diet ✅.

2️⃣ Nutritional composition per can (80g):

  • Amino peptides: 8.5-9.5%
  • Sodium: 0.07%
  • Phosphorus: 0.04%
    (Lab analysis results as % Assay)

3️⃣ Cats with kidney disease still need amino peptide protein to recover and maintain health. Without adequate protein, they will weaken over time 🙀.

4️⃣ Cranberry extract 🍒 is scientifically proven to help prevent bacterial infections in the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, and bladder), reducing the risk of kidney disease 😊.